Friday, September 12, 2008

Three cheers for Canadian Universal Health Care!!

Tyra, sorry to disappoint you by not having you in my blog lately! Thanks for your comments on my last post, the kind words and prayers! Thank Gods too for our Canadian universal health care! Check this out!

I saw my family physician after about 8 days of symptoms as mentioned in my previous post, and within 2 weeks ( No long waiting period as rumors have it) I was having a CT that didn't cost me a cent nor did I need the approval for that CT from a "for profit" insurance company!!! My Dr ( a medical speciallist) who examined me was the one to determine that I needed a CT!!! Go figure!!! The government didn't decide nor did the for profit ( that's money making, in plain speak)insurance company what was medically necessary!! Anyway, it didn't cost me a cent, I had it in a timely manner and again thank gods it wasn't anything life threatening or serious.

If it was though, I know I'd have the best care from one of the best oncology hospitals in Canada within days.....for free. No declaring bankrupsy or loss of home due to those high medical bills for this Canadian!! Our family of 4 does pay a tax of about $95/month for that health care. Over the years my families incidental medical needs of approximately 1 CT (me), 1 MRI ( child), 2 babies including monthly prenatal exams, ( a paid maternity leave of 1yr so I could recover and be a full time mom for their first yrs and my husband could choose to take a month of that paid "paternity leave" to get to know his new children without loss of job or income too!!!) a few ER visits for heart palpitations ( hubby), car accidents for xrays and stitches ( ugh, hubby again!), cardiac monitoring, cardiac stress testing, asthma attacks ( child), pediatric allergy speciallist visits for life threathening allergies, stitches and x rays, you know, typical family medical needs over the course of 14 yrs. It wouldn't matter whether I was the CEO of a company or a single mom working as a waitress. I would have the same treatment options, for the same amnt of $$. It also would cost a family of 4 no more than $95/month if Gods forbid one of them had cancer, and another had a heart attack with the worry, and they got into a car accident and needed ongoing phsyical therapy following that accident. I'm Canadian and under our health care act I am no more deserving of the best health care than the next person be he/she homeless, alchoholic,drug addict, fashion model, CEO, banker, starving artist. I only wish everyone had this right to health.