Friday, January 25, 2008

Let it Be

I'm feeling a little schizophrenic these days. You see, I'm in the midst of a heavey rehearsal schedule. I'm singing in Edmonton Opera's HMS Pinafore which opens on Sat Feb 2nd AND I'm singing at Edmonton Sings the Beatles with a Rock band the night before!
I go from Beatles to Gilbert and Sullivan rather easily and I'm a little worried I'll snap on the night of the concert and during Hey Jude I'll start going all opera!
Actually, my biggest worry is WHAT TO WEAR to the Beatles gig.
For opera, we have costumes and wigs and make up and we all look a little goofy.....for the Beatles gig I've gotta look cool. Oh help.
I've got great boots......and that's about it right now. They're pointy toed, slim to the knee, high heeled ROCK ON! boots.
It's the rest of the outfit I'm stuck on.
There are other female artists performing that night that do this for a living.....they have OUTFITS....I don't. Do I wear jeans? Do I wear leather and lace? Do I go all Stevie Nicks and get layers and scarves? I don't know what my Rock and Roll style is!!
Don't get me wrong.....I've lots of ideas and have actually spent $$ on those ideas. So far I've shopped and bought the boots and this cute plaid long jacket. In the store I thought I looked home I look like Paddy O'Sullivan goin' to the corner pub for a wee pint!
The other outfit I tried is....the boots.....jeans and a leather vest. In the store I thought I looked really Rockin' home I looked really scarey fat biker chick.
I haven't given up quite yet. I have a week. I need a cross between Paddy, biker chick and Stevie Nicks....maybe a little Cher in there too?
Any ideas?

1 comment:

Mika Ryan said...

I just came from Australia, where I stayed in a hotel with about 12 different bands. It was great fun, until I realized these people never sleep. Having done my share of people watching there, it is safe to say that in thier world - anything goes. The only rule is you must wear it with attitude. So repeat after me "I am a super hot rock chick", and you should be okay.