Monday, June 18, 2007

Millionaire Mind

So, I went to one of those "Find your Inner Millionaire" seminars over the weekend. Here's what I learned.
I've got to figure out what I'm good at, figure out what I REALLY want to do and tap into that.
I've got to know what I want and send it out to the "universe".
I've got to rrrrreallllllly believe it and feel it.
I've got to watch for " the signs" along the way that are bringing me what I need to get what I want.
Soon I'll be a millionaire!!! Sounds easy ,right??
NOT!!! First.....what am I good at?
I'm a good nurse....can't accept tips so stuck with what they pay me.
I'm a good kids don't pay, they take. I pay. Not a great moneymaker.
I'm great at dreaming. I have the best dreams of anyone I know. Although I try telling them to people and they kinda glaze over and start looking a little frightened so that tells me they probably won't pay.
I LOVE to....NEED to make people laugh.

I'VE GOT IT!!!!!!!! I'll write a self help book! People are buying them up in droves. I'll combine what I know and what I'm good at.
Nursing, mothering, dreaming....funny.
I'll call it, " Dream and Laugh your way to a Healthy Child".

So? It's a start?

Yup.....I'll keep thinking on it.


Mika Ryan said...

Isn't it just easier to buy lottery tickets? That's my plan.

karenz said...

The hardest part is finding your dream - now go for it. I believe in you - now just start writing. I'll be the first in line for your autograph. (I'd better be in the book though!)....