Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Testing ,testing, 1.2.3....Is this mike on??

Wow! I've spent the entire afternoon reading peoples blogs. So entertaining and funny! I wanna do this!!! My friends and family tell me I'm entertaining and funny!!! I'm worried about the " American Idol" phenomenon though. You know, during the auditions people say they're the next star, they say their friends and family tell them they're amazing...they sing....and ......THEY SUCK!!! My friends and loved ones tell me I'm funny and entertaining too. What if they just don't want to hurt my feelings? What if I'm a big ,fat, BORE??
Well this blog will be the test.
If people like it I'm auditioning for Saturday Night Live!!

1 comment:

Mika Ryan said...

Of course I remember you - not to suck up, but you are funny.

So good to hear from you, I look forward to keeping up with your blog.